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Cisco: Configure A Range Of Interfaces On A Switch

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I keep having days where I don’t configure Cisco networking gear for a week or so. In that time I forget small details on how to navigate Cisco IOS.

Going to start writting these posts if I forget something so I can look back on them later.

Today the lack of recall was configuring a range of ports on a Cisco switch. Though this command should work on other devices that run Cisco IOS.

In this scenario, the switch needed a specific port range configured. (e.g. gigabitEthernet 1/0/3 - gigabitEthernet 1/0/10). Needed to configure the VLAN and Spanning Tree on the ports to put them on the correct subnet.


To do this, I connected to the switch using SSH and entered global configuration mode.

configure terminal

Configuration mode looks like the following.


Then I proceeded go into the interface configuration mode using the following command.

interface range gigabitEthernet 1/0/3 - 10

The new prompt will look something like the following.


Then I proceeded to configure the ports on the switch as needed.