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Fortinet: Check Port Statistics On FortiSwitch

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I have found myself checking port statistics a lot so I decided to notate the commands for doing this from a FortiGate.

This can be useful for confirming port errors, port discards, and for checking the traffic load on the port.


The following command will obtain the port statistics for a port on the appropriate switch. Replace the switch-id section with the ID of the switch and the port number with the appropriate port number. (i.g. port24)

diagnose switch-controller switch-info port-stats <switch-id> port<port-number>

Similar output will be provided as shown below. It may differ for many reasons.

Vdom: root

Port(port24) is HW Admin up, SW Admin up, line protocol is up
Interface Type is Serial Gigabit Media Independent Interface(SGMII/SerDes)
Address is <switch-mac-address>, None loopback
MTU 9216 bytes, Encapsulation IEEE 802.3/Ethernet-II
full-duplex, 1000 Mb/s, link type is auto
input  : 6489789458 bytes, 5751948 packets, 0 errors, 111 drops, 0 oversizes
         5749451 unicasts, 0 multicasts, 2497 broadcasts, 0 unknowns
output : 739024286 bytes, 3024233 packets, 0 errors, 0 drops, 0 oversizes
         2943743 unicasts, 79800 multicasts, 690 broadcasts
0 fragments, 0 undersizes, 0 collisions, 0 jabbers

Provided in the output is the following information related to the port. This is just a brief overview for what the items mean.