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Fortinet: Negate Rules on ForiGate Policies.

Posted on 2 mins



Stumbled upon a negate policy in FortiGate policies and forgot what it was so I looked it up. A FortiGate with a negate policy set for the source or destination and allow you to prevent the all rule from being used if that’s what you choose. It’s useful for rules where you’re sending traffic out your WAN interfaces and you don’t want it to go to a specific list of addresses. The dstaddr-negate and the srcaddr-negate option can be used with a blocklist feed applied to it which will allow all destined for anything that isn’t in the list. I having quite tested how this affects the CPU or memory for the firewalls yet.

Configure Negate Policy On Firewall

The destination address negate option can be set on the policy with the following configuration option added to it. Setting the dstaddr-negate option to enable will block the addresses in the IP list provided and allow the rest out.

config firewall policy
    edit 12
        set dstaddr-negate enable

You can also negate source addresses with the following configuration. This is like the dstaddr-negate option. Where it will provide the same functionality but to the source address or subnet.

config firewall policy
    edit 12
        set srcaddr-negate enable

For some information on how add IP blocklist feeds to your FortiGate I have provided a list to a note that covers this below.
